In our house, this little nook has been used as a study off our lounge room. I haven't spent much time or energy on this room, as eventually it will be reopened up to become the front porch again. But with my beautiful new desk and increasing time spent on the computer, I decided that I wanted to make it easier on the eye as well as more practical.
You can see from the before picture that it was pretty
Look how lovely it looks now! A desk which fits perfectly in place, less clutter and some pretty accessories.
The prints on the wall were wedding gifts from our friends Jess and Lach. |
To increase the amount of storage in the study, I've used two 2x2 Expedit shelving units as storage (behind the desk) and they couldn't fit better if they were made to measure! I already had one in the spare room so only had to get a second one to sit beside it.
Now we've got plenty of storage including a place where we can keep the printer so it doesn't take up space on the desk. We also finally a have a practical filing system (including in and out trays) and I think that it looks good too!
I tried without success to find a new home for the Ducati models (top left). |
Adaptability of the items that I used in the study was a key factor given
nothing is permanent right now! Everything that I've
used will also go well in the renovated house, either in a study or reused in other rooms. I did a lot of shopping around to find things that I liked and cost was
also a consideration, given the temporary nature of the space.
I love having pretty, personal things around me and it's definitely the
many small pieces that make a room homely and inviting to me.
The blue Tempo fan is from Bunnings (only $8.00!), the clock (which you can't see in this pic, but can see above) is from Typo and the notepaper holder was part of (another bargain) clearance stationery set from Kmart.
It's fair to say that I'm currently obsessed with glass and all things upcycled. The pen holder is an upcycled jar wrapped in brown paper and twine that I used at Christmas as a vase, but now has another new life!
The milk bottles are by Morgan and Finch from The Works Hawthorn (who strangely don't appear to have a website). If you're into homewares this place is massive and worth a trip to check out. The milk bottles are holding drawing pins and clips also in blues and greens.
So there you have it, my new study! It's been a little while coming, but I think it's been worth the wait. I'm so happy with how it's come up and it's now somewhere that I love to be and work.